Pikes peak
business & Education alliance
Recalibrating the
Education System.
The Pikes Peak Business and Education Alliance (PPBEA) is a public/private partnership located in the Pikes Peak region.
The launch of our initiative on July 1, 2019 is the culmination of a two year, collaborative effort amongst our multiple school districts and charter school partners to re-calibrate the K-12 education system.

Transferring Knowledge.
We are committed to help solve chronic talent supply and demand shortages in high-demand, well-paying occupations by steadily working our mission of "connecting students' talents, interests and aptitudes to the world of work."
Our initiative is created by your neighbors. We are parents, educators and business owners. We want to leave the Pikes Peak region better than we found it. To that end, we will "start where we are, use what we have, and do what we can" to transfer critical knowledge to the next generation so they can learn to prosper and lead meaningful, productive and happy lives.
So what do we do?
PPBEA's primary role is to build experiential and informational bridges between our rapidly changing economy, our workforce development ecosystem, and the K-12 education system.
The workforce development ecosystem, outside of K-12 education, includes public and private employers, economic development partners, labor market economists, post-secondary education partners and other workforce development partners.
We believe that all students and their parents/guardians deserve to be armed with the facts about jobs and careers in this rapidly changing economy. Being properly informed of this "economic landscape", including the return on investment for post-secondary education, students and parents can work with their K-12 staff to map out an educational and work-based learning path, and make an informed "go/no-go decision" on the potential need for post-secondary education.
At the center of this collaboration is the practice of work-based learning activities which include career information sessions, class presentations delivered by industry professionals, site tours/field trips, job shadows and informational interviews, internships, and youth apprenticeships or pre-apprenticeships.
All of these activities are designed to supplement classroom education and provide students an opportunity to explore careers, learn more deeply about specific jobs or occupations, receive training and resume enhancements, and earn industry-recognized certificates in a career of interest, leading to an onramp to an entry-level, self-supporting career upon graduation from high school or post-secondary education.
Whether you are a career professionals or an educational staff member, and you would like to support our initiative with your time, talent or treasure, sign-up now for a Business or Education account and start reshaping the future of our community.